Press Release/Declarations

African Ports Commit to Collaborative Partnerships on their Environmental & Sustainability Development

PRESS RELEASE/COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE African ports have successfully ended their 3rd African Ports Environmental & Sustainability Conference under the theme ‘African Ports & the Sustainable Development Nexus’ held in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo, from 11–13 February 2020. The conference,… Continue Reading…

Press Release/Declarations

3ème Visite D’etude Des Ports Sur L’Environnement

3ème VISITE D’ETUDE DES PORTS SUR L’ENVIRONNEMENT, DU 18 au 22 MARS 2019, ROTTERDAM PDF Download: Communique_ French_3rd African Ports Study Visit Des représentants de 12 ports africains ont effectué une visite d’étude environnementale d’une semaine (du 18 au 22… Continue Reading…


Port of Rotterdam and Erasmus University – Executive Port Leadership Programme

Port Executive Leadership Circle Executive Programme by the Port of Rotterdam and Erasmus University For world’s future strategic port leaders Ports face major challenges within rapidly changing market dynamics. making big long-term infrastructure investment plans in an uncertain and ever… Continue Reading…

Press Release/Declarations

Euroshore welcomes delegation of harbour masters and environmental officers of West Africa

On March 21, 2019, Euroshore welcomed a delegation of harbour masters and port environmental experts of PENAF (Ports Environmental Network-Africa) in Brussels. Euroshore highlighted some new challenges in maritime shipping (ship generated waste and cargo residues, ballast water, antifouling and… Continue Reading…

Press Release/Declarations

The 1st Eastern and Southern Africa Ports Environmental Managers Working Conference

20 – 22 September 2010 MOMBASA CONTINENTAL RESORT, MOMBASA, KENYA Communiqué 1st Eastern and Southern Africa Ports look at Cooperation in Environmental Management Download file: Mombasa-Communique Eastern and Southern African have for the first time held an environmental conference with… Continue Reading…